We all know if you visit any city and would like to see too many tourist site in short period, pay for a tour, a good one. That is what we did on our trip to Turkey since the day we arrived to Istanbul.

We took redeye flight that landed before 6:00 AM, we arrived to the hotel at 7:00 AM. Upon arrival we huddle with the concierge to avoid loosing anytime from our first day by avoid sleeping for few hours, course which of course we can do it when we return home.   

The concierge suggested a great full day tour from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The tour was consists of two parts. First part was cruising the Bosphorus Sea that introduces us to the city very well. Then we eat lunch at a nice restaurant in the old city. The second part of this was  a  we tour the city in a bus.

During the cruse we were able to see most of the city from the sae but we did not stop. In the bus tour we were able to stopp several times to visits some sites, which was included in our tour.

By the end of the day, we were able to understand what other site we need to see in the next few days of our trip and we planned accordingly for our remaining days of our trip.

We were lucky not only for this nice tour we choose but for our very experience tour guide who explained the history behind each site with details and able to answer every question.

I was able to take nice photo especially during the first half of the day while we in the boat cruising the Bosphorus see that I am sharing with you at this blog.

Watching Istanbul from the Bosphorus Sea is a breathtaking experience. The city’s stunning architecture, bustling markets, and colorful neighborhoods all come to life from the water. As you cruise along the strait, you’ll pass by iconic landmarks like the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and the Topkapi Palace. You’ll also see smaller, lesser-known gems like the wooden Ottoman mansions that line the shoreline.

The Bosphorus Strait is the narrow waterway that separates Europe from Asia, making Istanbul the only city in the world to straddle two continents. This unique location has made Istanbul a crossroads of cultures for centuries, and the architecture and landmarks along the Bosphorus reflect this rich history.

In addition to sightseeing, there are many other ways to enjoy the Bosphorus. You can take a ferry to the Asian side of the city, go fishing, or even swim in the sea. And when the sun sets, the Bosphorus is the perfect place to enjoy a romantic dinner cruise or a night out on the water.

Overall, watching Istanbul from the Bosphorus Sea is an unforgettable experience that should not be missed during a trip to this vibrant and historic city.

The best Istanbul site you can see from Bosphorus Sea

It’s hard to pick just one site in Istanbul that stands out as the best to see from the Bosphorus Sea, as there are so many iconic landmarks and stunning views to take in. However, if I had to choose just one, it would probably be the historic Maiden’s Tower (Kız Kulesi in Turkish).

Located on a small islet at the southern entrance of the Bosphorus, the Maiden’s Tower has a long and fascinating history. It is said to have been built in ancient times to serve as a toll booth for ships passing through the strait, and over the centuries it has been used for a variety of purposes, including as a lighthouse, a quarantine station, and a defense outpost.

Today, the Maiden’s Tower is one of Istanbul’s most recognizable landmarks, and it offers stunning views of the city and the surrounding sea. Visitors can take a boat out to the islet to explore the tower and its museum, or simply admire it from afar while cruising along the Bosphorus.

Whether you’re interested in history, architecture, or simply enjoying the beauty of Istanbul from the water, the Maiden’s Tower is definitely a site worth seeing from the Bosphorus Sea.