Parakeet is a common name used to refer to a small to medium-sized parrot species that belongs to the family Psittacidae. They are also known as budgerigars or budgies and are native to Australia, where they are found in the wild.

Parakeets are popular as pets due to their small size, playful nature, and ability to mimic human speech. They come in a variety of colors and are relatively easy to care for. They require a balanced diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables, as well as regular exercise and social interaction.

In the wild, parakeets are social birds that live in flocks and feed on grass seeds, herbs, and other plant materials. They are also known for their acrobatic flying abilities and their distinctive chirping and chattering sounds.

Overall, parakeets are fascinating and entertaining birds that make great pets for people who are willing to provide them with proper care and attention.

Is Parakeet a social Birds

Parakeets are actually quite social birds and thrive on social interaction with both other parakeets and humans. In the wild, they live in flocks and interact with each other frequently through vocalizations, grooming, and playing.

In captivity, it is important for parakeets to have companionship and social interaction to prevent them from becoming lonely or bored. Many parakeet owners keep pairs or small groups of birds together to provide socialization and companionship.

However, it is important to note that individual parakeets may have different personalities and temperaments, and some may be more sociable than others. It is important to observe and understand the needs and preferences of each bird to provide them with the best possible care and socialization.

Good and bad about Parakeet

Here are some of the good and bad aspects of keeping a parakeet as a pet:


  1. Playful and entertaining: Parakeets are active and playful birds that can provide hours of entertainment for their owners.
  2. Easy to care for: Parakeets are relatively easy to care for and require a simple diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables, along with regular exercise and social interaction.
  3. Affectionate and social: Parakeets are affectionate birds that enjoy social interaction with both other birds and humans.
  4. Inexpensive: Parakeets are relatively inexpensive compared to other types of pet birds.
  5. Can learn to mimic speech: Parakeets are capable of mimicking human speech and can be trained to repeat words and phrases.


  1. Can be noisy: Parakeets can be noisy and may chirp and chatter frequently, which can be a problem for some owners.
  2. Messy: Parakeets can be messy and scatter seeds and feathers around their cage.
  3. Require regular care: Parakeets require daily care, including feeding, cleaning, and socialization, which may not be feasible for all owners.
  4. Sensitive to temperature and humidity: Parakeets are sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity and may require special care during extreme weather conditions.
  5. Can be aggressive: Parakeets can be aggressive towards other birds or humans if they feel threatened or territorial. Proper socialization and training can help prevent this behavior.