The Citadel of Salah El-Din, also known as the Citadel of Cairo, is a medieval fortress located on a hill in the heart of Cairo, Egypt. The citadel was built in the 12th century by Salah El-Din, also known as Saladin, the Muslim general who defeated the Crusaders and established the Ayyubid dynasty in Egypt.

The citadel was built on a strategic location that overlooks the city of Cairo and the Nile river. Its construction began in 1176 and was completed in 1183. The citadel served as a military fortress and a seat of government for the Ayyubid dynasty.

The citadel has witnessed many historical events throughout its history. During the Mamluk era, the citadel was the center of power in Egypt, and many sultans and emirs added their own additions to the citadel. The citadel was also used as a prison and a military barracks during the Ottoman era.

One of the most famous structures within the citadel is the Mosque of Mohamed Ali, which was built in the 19th century by Muhammad Ali Pasha, the Ottoman governor of Egypt. The mosque is named after him and is considered one of the most important landmarks in Cairo. It is a beautiful example of Ottoman architecture and features two large minarets, a central dome, and a spacious courtyard.

Today, the Citadel of Salah El-Din is a popular tourist attraction and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can explore the citadel’s many structures and museums, including the Military Museum, which showcases the history of the Egyptian military from ancient times to the present day. The citadel also offers panoramic views of Cairo and the surrounding areas.

The Salah El-Din Citadel, also known as the Citadel of Cairo, is a medieval fortress located on a hill in the heart of Cairo, Egypt. The citadel was constructed in the 12th century by Salah El-Din, the Muslim general who defeated the Crusaders and established the Ayyubid dynasty in Egypt.

The construction of the citadel began in 1176 and was completed in 1183. Salah El-Din built the fortress to protect Cairo from potential Crusader attacks and to serve as a seat of government for the Ayyubid dynasty.

Over the centuries, the citadel was expanded and modified by subsequent rulers. In the 14th century, the Mamluk sultan Al-Nasir Muhammad built the Mosque of Mohamed Ali within the citadel’s walls. The mosque was completed in 1848 during the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha, who is credited with giving the citadel its current shape and appearance.

During the Ottoman era, the citadel was used as a military barracks and prison. In the 19th century, the citadel was also used as a residence for members of the royal family.

Today, the Salah El-Din Citadel is a popular tourist attraction and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can explore the citadel’s many structures and museums, including the Military Museum, which showcases the history of the Egyptian military from ancient times to the present day. The citadel also offers panoramic views of Cairo and the surrounding areas.

Visit Citadel of Salah El-Din

If you are planning to visit the Citadel of Salah El-Din, here are some things you should know:

Location: The Citadel of Salah El-Din is located in the heart of Cairo, Egypt. It is situated on a hill overlooking the city, and can be easily reached by taxi, public transportation, or on foot.

Hours of operation: The Citadel is open every day from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. However, it is closed on some national holidays, so it is always a good idea to check the opening hours before you visit.

Admission fees: There is an admission fee to enter the Citadel. The fee varies depending on the different sections you want to visit, but it is usually around 100 Egyptian pounds (about 6 US dollars) for the main entrance. The price may be higher for the different museums and attractions within the Citadel.

What to see: The Citadel of Salah El-Din is a large complex that includes several museums, mosques, and other historical buildings. The main attraction is the Mosque of Mohamed Ali, which is a beautiful example of Ottoman architecture. Other attractions include the Military Museum, the Police Museum, and the Carriage Museum.

Dress code: The Citadel is a religious site, and visitors are expected to dress modestly. It is recommended to wear clothes that cover the shoulders and knees, and women may want to consider bringing a scarf to cover their heads when entering mosques.

Guided tours: If you want to learn more about the history of the Citadel, there are several guided tours available. These tours can be arranged through your hotel or a local tour operator, and they can be a great way to get a deeper understanding of the Citadel’s significance and history.

Overall, a visit to the Citadel of Salah El-Din is a must-do when visiting Cairo. It is a beautiful and historic site that offers a glimpse into Egypt’s rich cultural heritage.